Bradesco Ordered to Pay R$7,000 by Court Decision – Find Out Everything


Bradesco must pay R$7,000 to a customer after a court ruling. Find out the reason for the ruling.

Yet another legal defeat for a national bank, as the Court ordered Bradesco to pay R$7,000 in compensation to a customer. The verdict came after the bank failed to meet its commitments and provided unsatisfactory service.

The Consumer Protection Code establishes that customers should only pay for products or services that they have contracted. In this scenario, Bradesco was found guilty of doing exactly the opposite. According to information in the lawsuit, the bank made unauthorized charges on a customer's account.


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Faced with the unexplained discounts, the customer decided to sue the bank, seeking reimbursement for the amount debited and requesting compensation for moral damages. The judge in the case endorsed this argument.


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The case documents reveal that the plaintiff is a retiree who chose Bradesco to receive his INSS benefits. However, he identified undue deductions from his retirement.

The bank, in its defense, claimed that the amount deducted referred to the “services basket” of the retiree’s account. Since he had not requested or authorized this fee, he filed a lawsuit against Bradesco. In the first instance, the judge ordered the reimbursement of the amounts with correction and interest, but refused compensation for moral damages.

So, the client appealed. In the second instance, the judge agreed with the retiree, and Bradesco was ordered to pay compensation.

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How was the final sentence given?

In his opinion, the judge decided to uphold the first instance decision and add compensation for moral damages in the amount of R$1,400,000. Additionally, he set the attorney's fees at R$2,01,300 of the total compensation.

Although Bradesco was convicted in the second instance, it can still appeal the decision.