Federal Revenue Allocates Seized and Abandoned Items – Learn How to Receive Donations


Find out now who is eligible to purchase donations of products abandoned or confiscated by the Federal Revenue Service and the steps to register!

The Federal Revenue Service, the authority that manages and oversees federal taxes in Brazil, has developed a clear and advantageous method for managing abandoned or confiscated goods. Instead of merely discarding them or selling them through public auctions, the agency now provides the option of donations to entities that can use such items in a constructive manner.

Unlike the auction procedure, which is accessible to everyone, the donation action aims to support government agencies and non-profit organizations, taking into account the needs and profile of each requesting entity. Below, we will explain how donations work and the steps to register to receive them. Keep reading!


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How do IRS donations work?

The Federal Revenue Service makes donations according to two schemes. The first refers to free donations, aimed predominantly at Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that develop actions aimed at the public interest and social initiatives.


The second, in turn, relates to the sale of products at events, such as bazaars, promoted by civil entities themselves. Therefore, it is crucial to emphasize that the sale of these products to the end consumer is strictly prohibited.

In this context, at the time of purchase, it is imperative that the OSC issues a receipt, explaining the goods, the amount and also registering the buyer. In this way, the receipt remains valid for two years and acts as a guarantee for both the IRS and the OSC.

See how to qualify to receive donations

Those interested in receiving donations must adhere to a standardized process. Initially, it is essential that they send the Federal Revenue Service, via email, a letter in PDF format, containing all the required information and documentation.

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The list of documents requested by the agency is broad, with variations applicable to government agencies and CSOs. In all scenarios, information such as name, CNPJ, address and purpose of the request are essential. However, CSOs need to supplement the request with other documents, such as registered bylaws, proof of the entity's address and certificates confirming tax regularity, among other elements.