Bolsa Família applications for November are now available! Sign up now!


The Ministry of Development and Social Assistance (MDS) launched the Bolsa Família program to support Brazilian families facing social difficulties.

Through a direct income transfer, the initiative seeks to ensure a more dignified life and facilitate access to education and health care for countless citizens of the country.

Read also: See who receives Bolsa Família this Thursday


How to apply for Bolsa Família?

Those who wish to participate in the Bolsa Família program must meet certain criteria. The first step is to register your family in the Cadastro Único (CadÚnico), a platform that compiles data on low-income families in Brazil. Additionally, the family's per capita income must not exceed R$$218.00 per month.

You must register with CadÚnico in person, by visiting a Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS). It is crucial to mention that a family member over the age of 16, ideally a woman, must be responsible for the registration. However, men are also allowed to do so.


This person will represent the family and will need to present documents for all members at the time of registration. It is also necessary to define a Family Representative, who can be someone who lives in the same residence, or a Legal Representative, someone outside the family and who does not share the same address.

This decision will affect the documents that CRAS will request.

Documents required for the Family Representative:

  • CPF of the family leader;
  • Voter registration card of the family leader;
  • Photo ID of the family leader;
  • Proof of residence or declaration of residence signed by the family leader;
  • CPF of the other members;
  • Voter registration of other members;
  • Birth or marriage certificate of other members;
  • Identity or work card of the other members.

Documents required for the Legal Representative:

  • CPF of the legal representative;
  • Document proving the legal authority of the representative;
  • CPF of the represented individual;
  • Voter registration card of the individual represented;
  • Photo ID of the individual represented;
  • Proof of residence or declaration of residence signed by the family leader of the individual represented;
  • CPF of the other members;
  • Voter registration of other members;
  • Birth or marriage certificate of other members;
  • Identity or work card of the other members.

Conditional Benefit Rules

Read also: Bolsa Família Calendar November: See when you will receive the benefit.

Bolsa Família establishes certain rules that beneficiary families must follow. These rules aim to ensure that children and young people receive adequate health care and education.

It is worth noting that failure to comply with these rules may result in the suspension of aid for up to two months, without the right to previous payments. The Bolsa Família rules include:

  1. School attendance: Children aged 4 to 5 must have at least 60% of school attendance, and young people aged 6 to 18, 75%.
  2. Nutritional monitoring: Nutritional assessment, including weight and height, is essential for children under six years of age.
  3. Vaccinations: Caregivers should keep vaccination records up to date for all family members.
  4. Care during pregnancy: Pregnant women who receive the benefit must attend all recommended prenatal consultations.

In short, Bolsa Família is an essential project of the Brazilian government to support families at risk. Through the Single Registry and following conditional rules, many Brazilians gain access to benefits that ensure a more dignified life, education and health.

Therefore, if you meet the requirements, sign up and enjoy the benefits that the Bolsa Família program offers.