Gas Voucher Payment Calendar: Stay Up to Date on Important Dates!


In Brazil, several actions are being taken to support the population in situations of social and economic vulnerability. Notable programs include Bolsa Família, which helps approximately 20.8 million families with monthly amounts starting at R$1,400, and Vale-Gás, which benefits approximately 5.7 million vulnerable families.

NOTIFICATION for Vale-Gás beneficiaries: understand the payment schedule

Read also: Withdrawal of Bolsa Família without documents shocks Brazilians

The Vale-Gás program was introduced a few years ago to help Brazilian families buy gas cylinders, an essential item. This was done after an increase in the price of gas, which made access to this vital resource difficult for the poorest segments of the population.
Since then, the program has played an important role in smoothing the household budgets of millions of families across Brazil.


Payment schedule

Unlike Bolsa Família, whose payments are monthly, Vale-Gás follows a different schedule. This is because beneficiary families receive the aid bimonthly, that is, every two months. As a result, the last payment was made in June, and, consequently, there are no transfers scheduled for July.

Clarifications for beneficiaries

It is natural that this change in the schedule causes confusion and concerns among beneficiaries. However, it is essential to clarify that the benefit has not been canceled.


In this way, families who are entitled to Vale-Gás will continue to receive the next installment in their Caixa Tem accounts. However, this transaction will only occur the following month, following the same schedule as Bolsa Família.

Bolsa Família: important details

While waiting for the next payment of Vale-Gás, many families also benefit from the Bolsa Família benefit, which has different amounts according to family characteristics. Thus, the minimum amount is R$$ 600, but it is possible to receive additions such as the Early Childhood Benefit, which varies between R$150 and R$$ 300, and the additional R$$ 50 intended for families with young people up to 17 years old or pregnant women.

July/23: Bolsa Família payment schedule

Check out the Bolsa Família payment schedule for the month of July below:

  • 18/07 – scheduled payment for NIS ending in 1
  • 19/07 – scheduled payment for NIS ending in 2
  • 20/07 – scheduled payment for NIS ending in 3
  • 21/07 – scheduled payment for NIS ending in 4
  • 24/07 – scheduled payment for NIS ending in 5
  • 25/07 – scheduled payment for NIS ending in 6
  • 26/07 – scheduled payment for NIS ending in 7
  • 27/07 – scheduled payment for NIS ending in 8
  • 28/07 – scheduled payment for NIS ending in 9
  • 07/31 – scheduled payment for NIS ending in 0

However, Bolsa Família continues to be a vital government initiative providing financial support, guaranteeing a minimum income for millions of vulnerable families. Vale-Gás, in turn, has been crucial in mitigating the impact of energy costs on low-income households. Therefore, stay up to date with the payment schedule and ensure access to the social benefits to which you are entitled.

Whether it's Bolsa Família or Vale-Gás, these programs play a fundamental role in promoting greater social and economic inclusion, contributing to the well-being of Brazilian families. Thus, it is possible to understand that the benefits are interrelated.

Keep your CadÚnico updated

Read also: Learn all about Amounts Receivable

Therefore, it is crucial that citizens are up to date on payments and eligibility criteria for each program. Therefore, keep your CadÚnico up to date and be careful of various scams involving government benefits, especially when it comes to sensitive data, such as passwords and personal information.

Many online scams occur through direct contact with citizens, through undue requests for deposits and/or personal data. Always seek official channels to clarify your doubts.