Unfolds in focus: 70% of Brazilians show willingness to join.


A recent analysis by Febraban reveals an increase in the desire to join the Desenrola Brasil program. Find out more about it!

Desenrola Brasil, a proposal by the Federal Government for debt renegotiation, emerged this year with the aim of combating the growing default rate among Brazilian citizens. To put this into context, data from Serasa in July indicated that more than 71 million Brazilians were in debt.

Through this program, debtors can negotiate more favorable terms with the banks involved. In this scenario, according to the Radar Febraban survey in September, approximately 731% of Brazilians have expressed interest or have already joined the program.


Read also: Brazil Unfolds: Surprising New Phase with Immediate Answers

Initially, Desenrola focused on individuals with incomes between R$2,640 and R$20,000, who had bank debts. However, in the following weeks, the initiative will include those with incomes of up to two minimum wages and registered in the Single Registry.


Engagement in the Unfolding

The study revealed that the predisposition to Desenrola varies according to age, income, level of education and location. Check out the most relevant points.

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  • Age: Of those consulted, 80% between 25 and 44 years old expressed a desire or had already joined;
  • Education: 75% of those with completed secondary education have shown interest or are already participants;
  • Family income: 77% of those who earn up to two minimum wages want to benefit from the program;
  • Region/location: In the North region, 82% of those interviewed were interested.

Therefore, considering the income range, families that earn up to two minimum wages (R$ 2,640) will soon have the chance to benefit from this second stage of the project.

Growing recognition of the program

Read also: Unfolds in Action: Banks Settle Debts Totaling R$13 Billion.

The Radar Febraban survey also shows an increase in the recognition of Desenrola Brasil among Brazilians. According to the data, between June and September, the percentage of those familiar with the project jumped from 45% to 70%.

From this perspective, some groups presented numbers below 70%: women (68%), the youngest (54%), individuals with elementary education (66%) and those with an income of up to two salaries (65%).