O Bolsa Família de janeiro iniciou os pagamentos no dia 18. Então, a grande maioria dos beneficiários já recebeu o valor da parcela. Nesta segunda-feira (29) quem recebe são as famílias de NIS final 8.
Assim, vale destacar que neste mês não haverá o pagamento do Auxílio Gás, tendo em vista que este benefício é bimestral e a última parcela foi em dezembro.
See more: Inscrições do Prouni começam hoje; saiba mais sobre o programa
Family Grant Calendar for January
The Bolsa Família January calendar is now available, check it out:
- January 18 – NIS ending 1;
- January 19 – NIS final 2;
- January 22 – NIS ending 3;
- January 23 – NIS ending 4;
- January 24 – NIS ending 5;
- January 25 – NIS ending 6;
- January 26 – NIS ending 7;
- January 29 – NIS ending 8;
- January 30 – NIS ending in 9;
- January 31 – NIS ending 0.
Who can receive the benefit?
It is important to note that Bolsa Família is only intended for low-income families. In addition, as with other government benefits, in order to have access to the installments, beneficiaries must comply with certain rules, such as:
- Assessment of children's nutritional status;
- Vaccination calendar up to date;
- School attendance of children and adolescents;
- Prenatal monitoring of pregnant women.
What could change in Bolsa Família in 2024?
There are currently discussions about a proposal to adjust the income limit for Bolsa Família in 2024. However, as indicated in the Budget for that year, there is no provision for an increase in the amount of the benefit. Despite this, there is a prospect of including more families in the program throughout the year.
The Minister of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger, Wellington Dias, emphasized the importance of keeping registration information up to date to ensure continued entitlement to the benefit. Therefore, it is advisable to remain attentive to the Single Registry (CadÚnico) and make updates when necessary.
Image: Agência Brasil