The gas assistance is a program aimed at low-income Brazilian families. However, women who are victims of domestic violence and have a protective measure have priority in receiving the benefit.
The resources are paid by the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger, but CAIXA is responsible for executing the payments and making the service channels available to beneficiaries.
What do I need to do to participate in the program?
One of the prerequisites is to register with CadÚnico. However, families must have a monthly family income of no more than half the minimum wage per person.
What are the criteria for receiving gas assistance?
- Families that have members who receive BPC;
- Subscribe to CadÚnico;
- Receive the Family Allowance;
- Large families and the monthly amount per person is less than half the minimum wage;
- Have a qualified registration with the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger.
How much is the Gas Aid?
The value depends on the region in which the beneficiary resides. However, in general, the value is determined by an average of the national price for a thirteen-kilogram cylinder.
How do I know if I have been included in the benefit?
Every two months, new families are automatically included in the program, and to find out if this is your case, simply access the Bolsa Família or Caixa Tem app, or contact 111.
What is the payment date?
Payment is made every two months and follows the same date as Bolsa Família, that is, according to the NIS number.
If you have any questions about the program, simply contact the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger by calling 121.
Law No. 14,237, of November 19, 2021
Decree No. 10,881, of December 2, 2021
Image: Pedro Ventura/Brasília Agency