R$ 250 Voucher Released for CadÚnico Registered Users: Find Out If You Are Among the Winners


The Federal Government has launched the 'Vale Sacolão' project worth R$1,450,000, aimed at those registered with CadÚnico, aiming to offer extra financial assistance for the purchase of food. Find out if you are entitled to this benefit and how to apply.

Financial Assistance for Low-Income Families

In a country where many low-income families depend on social programs for financial assistance, the Federal Government implemented the 'Vale Sacolão' project, offering an additional aid of R$$ 250 to those registered with CadÚnico.

This benefit aims to provide more financial support in purchasing essential food for the home, and bring a minimum of dignity to many families.


Who will be entitled to the R$ 250 Voucher?

To be eligible for the 'Sacolão Voucher' of R$ 250, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be registered with CadÚnico (Single Registry);
  • Have a family income that does not exceed the minimum wage.

What is CadÚnico?

CadÚnico is a Federal Government registry that allows access to various social programs, such as Bolsa Família, BPC, the Social Electricity Tariff, among others.


It is intended for families with a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person, also covering traditional communities and specific groups, such as indigenous people, quilombolas and the homeless population.

How to register with CadÚnico to purchase the R$ 250 voucher?

To register on CadÚnico, simply go in person to CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) or another service point available in your region.

The process is simple and allows you to access a series of Federal Government programs and benefits, providing greater financial security for your family.

In addition to Bolsa Família, CadÚnico provides access to a variety of programs and benefits, such as:

  • Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC);
  • Social Electricity Tariff;
  • My Home My Life;
  • Renew;
  • Pé-de-Meia Program, high school savings;
  • Senior Citizen Card;
  • Water for All (Cisterns);
  • Exemption from Fees in Public Tenders.

The 'Sacolão Valley' R$ 250 is another initiative by the Federal Government to offer financial support to low-income families.

If you meet the CadÚnico criteria, be sure to check whether you are entitled to this benefit and how to register to guarantee this extra assistance.

Image: Canva / Editing: Roberta de Oliveira