Last days to register for gas assistance; find out how to guarantee the benefit


The payment of the gas aid will begin by Caixa Econômica Federal next Monday (19). Thus, the last days to register for the program and guarantee the bimonthly receipt of this voucher are coming to an end!

The objective of this benefit from the Federal Government is to help low-income families with the costs of gas cylinders of up to 13 kg. Payment is made every two months, in even-numbered months, and has an average value of R$$120.00 – in accordance with the national average.

In this way, through gas assistance, a better standard of living is provided for families, in addition to preventing them from being exposed to situations that could put their own lives and those of their family members at risk – such as the use of bonfires or other forms of fire.


Who can receive this aid in June?

The gas aid is available to families that are registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) and are part of the Bolsa Família program. Currently, more than 6 million families receive the amount deposited by Caixa.

Additionally, it is necessary:


  • Have a per capita family income of up to half the minimum wage;
  • Have a total family income of up to 3 minimum wages.

Families in which a member receives the Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC/Loas) are also eligible.

What is required to register and receive gas assistance?

If you meet any of the characteristics and requirements mentioned above, you must look for the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) closest to your city. There, you will need to register with the Single Registry, if you are not already registered. To do this, you will need to:

  • Answer the registration questions – must be someone from the family, who lives in the household and is over 16 years old;
  • Present the CPF or Voter Registration Card of the family member;

It is important to note that, for indigenous or quilombola families, different documents may be requested.