Without a doubt, the cost of cooking gas is a controversial issue throughout Brazil. Prices have been considerably high for some time, which has caused concern for many families who depend on this essential item for adequate nutrition.
Recently, a new change in the values was introduced, with differences depending on the area of the country. In some places, Brazilians perceived the change as neutral, neither better nor worse. But in other regions, the increase may have been such that it put many families in challenging situations.
Below, we will provide more information about current prices in various regions of Brazil. Keep reading and learn more!
Cooking gas prices in Brazil
On May 17, Petrobras reduced the cost of cooking gas sold in its refineries by 21.3%. However, despite many families eagerly awaiting a drop in the final price of gas, unfortunately, this has not been the reality.
In fact, depending on the area of the country, there may even be an increase in the amount charged. Below, we have made a quick list of what the average charge for a gas cylinder is today, according to the location in the country:
- North: R$ 114.75;
- Northeast: R$ 102.94;
- Midwest: R$ 109.22;
- South: R$ 106.23;
- Southeast: R$ 101.11.
According to a survey by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), cooking gas saw a reduction of 0.34% in its total value on average in Brazil. This represents only R$ 0.35.
Due to these small changes and no major drop forecasts, many Brazilians are complaining about the price they are paying for the gas cylinder. However, it is important to expect that new reductions may occur in 2023. Although it is a value above R$$ 100, this has been the most affordable price for the gas cylinder recently.
Obviously, it is still far from ideal, and many families are having to save as much as possible on gas consumption. In addition, many Brazilians are seeking Gas Assistance due to the cost of cylinders in different areas of the country.
Gas Aid can help in specific cases
Families in vulnerable situations and who are registered with CadÚnico can resort to Auxílio Gás as a way of obtaining cooking gas to provide their family with more adequate food.
Due to the high price of gas cylinders, it has been very difficult to keep cooking gas at home. If you are part of the group of Brazilians who are facing difficulties and are registered with CadÚnico, consider visiting the CRAS in your city to find out more about your right to receive Auxílio Brasil.
Additionally, we can expect more price reductions in the coming months, although there is no certainty that the discounts will actually take place.
Read also: Gas Aid 2023 causes surprise with announcement of double payment for beneficiaries!