Financing record: Caixa releases R$51.3 billion


Caixa Econômica Federal has just recorded the best quarter in the bank's history in granting real estate credit. Thus, from July to September of this year, R$51.3 billion was released for financing the purchase of a home. 

This significant number is due, according to Maria Rita Serrano, president of the bank, to Caixa's efforts to seek alternatives to keep all of the bank's credit lines active. 

Below, you will see in more detail the Caixa result and the relationship between its success and Minha Casa Minha Vida. 


Caixa's financing record

Even though other financial institutions are refusing mortgage loan offers, Caixa has kept all its lines active, which has yielded good results. According to Rita Serrano, this is a great moment for the bank in granting mortgage loans. 

“We have worked tirelessly to offer the population that needs the bank the most advantageous conditions, whether in social housing or other types of credit. This impressive result is the fruit of our dedication,” he highlighted. 

My Home My Life and Caixa

In recent weeks, new measures have come into effect in the Minha Casa Minha Vida housing program. The idea behind the new rules was to encourage the granting of real estate credit, which worked, according to Caixa's quarterly results. 


Thus, among these changes we can mention:

  • Increase in the value of MCMV property with FGTS resources from R$ 264 thousand to R$ 350 thousand;
  • Expansion of Band 1, from R$ 2,400 to R$ 2,640;
  • Decrease in interest rate. 

MCMV fee exemption

Another recent change of My Home My Life was the exemption of fees for beneficiaries of the Family Allowance or BCP (Continuous Benefit Payment). In other words, people who receive this benefit will not need to pay the installments of the financing, which is very advantageous.

The new rule came into effect on September 28th and for those who signed a contract before that date, the exemption will only be valid for the next installments. Those who do not have financing but intend to sign a contract will have to undergo a Caixa eligibility assessment to obtain the benefit. 

Image: Marcelo Camargo/ Agência Brasil