Want to negotiate your debt? See the step-by-step guide


The program platform Unroll Brazil was launched this Monday (9). The aim of the initiative is to combat the default crisis in the country. So, if you want to negotiate your debt, this could be a great time. 

The arrival of the app marks a new phase of the project, which has three stages. In other words, there will be a renegotiation of debts of the population with an income of up to two minimum wages or who are part of CadÚnico and owe up to R$1,000. 

How do I use the new platform to negotiate my debt? 

The first step is to log in with your account gov.br, it is important to mention that you must have an other or silver level to access the Desenrola Brasil platform. After logging into your account, follow these steps:


  • In the “My Debts” menu you will see the debts that were registered in the program and that can be renegotiated;
  • Select the debts you want;
  • There are options for cash or installments;
  • By selecting installment payment, the user will see the options and will be able to choose the due date of the first installment;
  • You can also simulate new conditions and send a new proposal, if you wish;
  • After choosing the best option, confirm your personal data;
  • With the approval of the financial institution, the renegotiation continues until both parties reach a mutual agreement;
  • The last step is to read the final renegotiation contract;
  • Sign if you agree;
  • Done!

What are the phases of Desenrola Brasil? 

THE program Desenrola Brasil has 3 different moments, so check out each one of them:

Clearance of small debts

This first phase of the program was for the public who had bank debts of up to R$100. 


Debt renegotiation for people with incomes up to R$20,000

The second phase targeted individuals with incomes of up to R$20,000 and bank debts with no limit on the amount. Therefore, during this stage it was necessary to contact the bank directly to renegotiate the amounts. 

Debt renegotiation 

The third and final stage includes those who have an income of up to two minimum wages or those registered with CadÚnico and with debts of up to R$1,000. Therefore, this is the phase that has begun, and to have access to renegotiation it is necessary to have an active account on gov.br.

It is worth noting that to access the platform, the user must have gold or silver certification levels, as well as updated registration data. 

Image: Jeane de Oliveira / Pronatec