Os pagamentos do Auxílio Gás começaram na semana passada, então grande parte dos beneficiários já recebeu o valor de dezembro. Hoje (18) quem recebe são os beneficiários de NIS final 6.
Dessa forma, veja a seguir qual será o valor do pagamento do benefício do mês de dezembro e confira o calendário completo.
See more: PIS/Pasep 2024: como será o pagamento?
How much is the December Gas Aid?
It is important to note that this benefit covers more than 5.4 million families throughout Brazil. Payments are made every two months, and the last one was in October, meaning everyone is eager to know the amount of this installment.
As always, the value of the installment is based on 100% of the national average price of a 13kg gas cylinder. Therefore, in December the value will be R$ 104.
December Calendar
As in other months, the payment of the Gas Aid will be made together with the Bolsa Família installment. Therefore, check the dates:
- NIS final 1 – December 11th.
- NIS final 2 – December 12th.
- NIS final 3 – December 13th.
- NIS final 4 – December 14th.
- NIS final 5 – December 15th.
- NIS final 6 – December 18th.
- NIS final 7 – December 19th.
- NIS final 8 – December 20;
- NIS final 9 – December 21;
- NIS final 0 – December 22.
Como evitar a suspensão do benefício?
One of the fundamental aspects to avoid the suspension of the Gas Aid is to keep the data updated in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico). This registry, managed by the federal government, is the information base that determines the eligibility and the amount of the benefit.
In other words, families that do not keep their data up to date run the risk of having their benefits suspended.
Therefore, it is essential to carry out updates whenever there are changes in family composition, income or other relevant data. This practice not only ensures the continuity of the Gas Aid, but also reflects transparency and responsibility in the use of these resources.
Image: Pixabay/ joelfotos