Desenrola Program: Debt Renegotiation for Small Businesses


Last Monday, 22nd, the government announced the Desenrola Program, an initiative aimed at renegotiating the debts of individual microentrepreneurs (MEIs), microenterprises and small businesses.

This program aims to facilitate access to credit and provide more favorable conditions for companies with annual gross revenue of up to R$4.8 million.

Desenrola Program: Simplified Renegotiation

Called “Desenrola” for small businesses, the program will be launched with the aim of simplifying the renegotiation of bank debts.


It will work through an online platform, similar to Unrolls for individuals which has already renegotiated more than R$50 billion of 14 million in debt.

With this, it is expected that small businesses will have access to interest rates below those practiced in the market and attractive discounts.


Target Audience

Desenrola's target audience is individual microentrepreneurs (MEIs), microenterprises and small businesses facing financial difficulties.

According to data from Serasa Experian, around 6.3 million micro and small businesses were in default in January 2024. The program appears as an opportunity for these entrepreneurs to regularize their financial situation.

FGO Grace Period and Guarantee

The Minister of Micro and Small Businesses, Márcio França, announced that companies that join “Desenrola” will have up to six months of grace, that is, an initial period without paying installments.

Furthermore, the negotiations will be guaranteed by the Operations Guarantee Fund (FGO), which will ensure payment of the debt to creditors, even if the negotiated installments are not paid.

Acredita Program: Stimulating Credit and Microcredit

In addition to Desenrola, the government launched the Acredita Program, focused on stimulating credit for entrepreneurship and small businesses. The measures include:

Microcredit for Low Income

The microcredit program, carried out through FGO-Desenrola, will have a source of R$1.5 billion in resources for investments in 2024.

This initiative aims to offer credit to people registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico), which gathers data on 95.7 million low-income Brazilians.

This program also focuses specifically on releasing credit for women, who often face difficulties in accessing financing.

ProdCred 360: Specific Credit Line

The government also announced ProdCred 360, a line of credit aimed at MEIs and micro-enterprises with annual revenue limited to R$1,400,000.

In this modality, the interest rate will be Selic (currently 10.75% per year), plus 5% per year. This measure aims to offer more advantageous conditions for these small businesses to invest and grow.

Expansion of FAMPE

As part of the credit stimulus package, Sebrae will expand credit lines within the scope of the Guarantee Fund for Micro and Small Businesses (FAMPE).

Over the next three years, FAMPE aims to provide an additional R$30 billion in credit. With a net equity of R$2 billion, the fund will be leveraged for new operations, boosting access to credit for these entrepreneurs.

Image: Federal Government Disclosure