Take part in the competition and compete for monthly salaries of up to R$7.9 thousand; find out how to apply.


Follow this article for all the information about this competition and learn how to register until November to guarantee one of the spots!

If you are looking for a job with stability and challenges, you should know that Maringá Regional Airport, located in Paraná, is promoting an excellent opportunity through its public selection process. The selection process aims to fill five vacancies at different levels of education, including intermediate/technical and higher education levels.

Therefore, this represents an incredible opportunity for those who want to be hired quickly and earn a competitive salary. Continue reading and understand the application process.


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Selection process for Maringá Regional Airport (PR)

The Airport competition follows the guidelines of Notice No. 01.001/2023 and includes vacancies in multiple sectors. The open positions are for Administrative Assistant, Airport Operations Assistant, Air Traffic Controller and Civil Engineer.


In addition, the salaries of those selected will depend on the position held, with values ranging from R$2,450.00 to R$7,920.00. The defined working hours are 40 hours per week for all positions.

The selection process is divided into three phases. The first phase is an objective test scheduled for December 3, 2023. Then, there will be an evaluation of qualifications and a discursive test.

How to register for the Paraná competition

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Those interested in participating must register online through the portal provided by Fundação Fafipa, the institution responsible for managing the competition. The registration period runs from October 23 to November 15, 2023.

It is crucial to highlight that to compete, there is an associated registration fee, the amount of which varies between R$80.00 and R$120.00. Finally, if you wish to know more about other public competitions currently open, we invite you to click on this link.