Do Gas Aid payments start this week?


Os pagamentos do Auxílio Gás de dezembro devem começar em breve, mas não nesta semana. Isso porque os pagamentos estão programados para começar no dia 11, na semana que vem. Neste dia, os beneficiários de NIS 1 vão receber o valor do auxílio. 

Vale destacar que os beneficiários também receberão o valor do Bolsa Família no mesmo dia, já que os pagamentos acontecem juntos. Desse modo, veja a seguir o calendário completo do benefício de dezembro.

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Full Calendar for Gas Assistance in December

It is important to mention that the Gas Aid benefit follows the same dates as the Bolsa Família. Therefore, it is expected that in December the dates will be as follows:

  • NIS final 1 – December 11th.
  • NIS final 2 – December 12th.
  • NIS final 3 – December 13th.
  • NIS final 4 – December 14th.
  • NIS final 5 – December 15th.
  • NIS final 6 – December 18th.
  • NIS final 7 – December 19th.
  • NIS final 8 – December 20;
  • NIS final 9 – December 21;
  • NIS final 0 – December 22. 

Who can receive the benefit?

Bem como os demais benefícios sociais do governo, o Auxílio Gás é para as pessoas de baixa renda. Desse modo, todas as famílias que fazem parte do CadÚnico and have a monthly per capita income equal to or less than R$$ 600 can receive it. In addition, those who have someone in their family who receives BPC (Continuous Benefit Payment) can receive it.


The benefit goes directly into the Caixa Tem account, and beneficiaries can make transactions through the app itself. 

What will be the amount of the December Gas Aid? 

The federal government distributes the full amount of the benefit based on the national average price of a 13kg gas cylinder. In October, this amount reached R$1,400,000, but the amount for December has not yet been revealed. 

It is important to mention that the full maintenance of the value of the gas cylinder was ensured through the Transition PEC. However, the plans for the year 2024 follow a different direction: the intention is to return to the payment model corresponding to only 50% of the benefit value.

Image: Pexels/ Daniel Dan