Featured Opportunities and Salaries for 2024


With 2024 fast approaching, expectations in the tax sector are palpable. Those aspiring to a career in this area have plenty of reasons to be optimistic, as several opportunities for competitive exams are emerging and with them great salaries.

The Acre State Treasury Department (Sefaz AC), for example, has a scheduled competition. Due to budgetary issues, this opportunity, to be managed by Cebraspe, will bring 164 positions for people with different levels of education. Therefore, whether you are an aspiring State Treasury Technician or State Revenue Auditor, the salaries are attractive, ranging from R$ 3,252.15 to an impressive R$ 19,952.09.

Variety of opportunities in cities and salaries

Other cities are also following suit. Florianópolis is preparing to launch a new selection process for its Municipal Finance Department, seven years after its last selection process for the position of Tax Auditor. The metropolis of Belo Horizonte plans to publish a job opening for a Tax Agent, a position that promises a starting salary of R$7,322.06 for those with higher education.


We cannot forget Campos dos Goytacazes, which will soon announce vacancies in different sectors of the Municipal Administration. But the cherry on the cake could be the Unified National Competition (CNU). With vacancies to work in the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and the prospect of an exclusive selection for the position of Labor Inspector, starting salaries could reach a staggering R$22,921.71.

Understanding the tax area and other federal opportunities

The tax area, in its essence, is focused on the supervision and management of financial and tax issues. Thus, it is the field where professionals such as tax auditors, tax analysts and accountants ensure that government and corporate entities are in compliance with tax obligations.


And if you think that the opportunities stop there, you are mistaken. Therefore, several federal agencies, such as Funai, Incra, Ministry of Health and IBGE, are preparing to launch a flood of vacancies.

For those who are looking to pursue a career in tax law, 2024 seems like the ideal year. This is because the opportunities are vast and the salaries are quite attractive.

Image: Marcelo Casal Jr/ Agência Brasil