INSS Brings Forward 13th Payment to 2024: Check Calendar and Who is Eligible!


Published in the Official Gazette of the Union, the measure aims to advance the benefit normally paid at the end of the year to the first six months of 2024. Decree authorizes advance of the 13th salary of INSS this year.

In a new measure with a financial impact on the public sector, the Brazilian government officially authorized the advance payment of the 13th salary for INSS retirees and pensioners in 2024. Decree number 11,947, which will allow such movement, was published last Wednesday (13) in the Official Gazette of the Union.

Benefits of the 13th salary advance

With this advance, INSS beneficiaries will receive the 13th salary in the first half of 2024 and no longer only at the end of the year, as provided for by the previous law.


Benefits of the 13th Salary Advance 2024:

For Beneficiaries:

  • Income injection:
    • Boosts consumption and the local economy;
    • Helps with paying bills and debts;
    • Allows purchases of necessary and desired items;
    • Generates extra income for the first half of the year.
  • Financial planning:
    • Allows you to organize your finances in advance;
    • Facilitates the payment of school expenses and other commitments;
    • Provides greater peace of mind and financial security.
  • Heating up the economy:
    • Stimulates trade and services;
    • Generates new employment opportunities;
    • It benefits several sectors of the economy.

For the Government:

  • Reduction of the fiscal deficit:
    • Reduces the need for loans;
    • Frees up resources for other investments;
    • Improves the government's fiscal health.
  • Stimulating the economy:
    • Increases money circulation;
    • Generates income and employment;
    • Drives economic growth.


  • Reduction in the waiting list:
    • Speeds up the payment of benefits;
    • Reduces beneficiaries’ waiting time;
    • Improves the quality of service.

Other Advantages

  • Assistance in periods of high inflation:
    • Protects the purchasing power of beneficiaries;
    • Minimizes the effects of inflation;
    • Maintains the beneficiaries' standard of living.
  • Income advance for retirees and pensioners:
    • Allows for greater financial planning;
    • Facilitates the payment of fixed expenses;
    • Provides more security and peace of mind.


  • The advance payment of the 13th salary is a right of INSS beneficiaries;
  • Payment will be made in two installments;
  • Payment dates have not yet been defined by the government;
  • Consult the INSS website for more information.

Who is entitled to the benefit?

Beneficiaries eligible to receive the 13th salary are those who receive some type of benefit from the INSS. This includes retirees, pensioners, as well as beneficiaries of temporary disability benefit (formerly sickness benefit) and accident benefit.


It is worth noting that beneficiaries of the Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC/Loas) are not entitled to the Christmas bonus.

INSS 13th salary payment schedule

The expected dates for payment of the 13th salary vary according to the value of the benefit received and the end of the beneficiary's NIS.

For beneficiaries who earn up to the minimum wage, payments will begin on April 24 and continue until June 7. For those who earn more than the minimum wage, payments will begin on May 2 and continue until June 7.

The exact dates vary according to the end of each beneficiary's NIS. This measure, in addition to helping beneficiaries with more effective financial planning, also helps to boost the country's economy during a period characterized by low consumption.

Remember to keep your information updated with the INSS to ensure that your payments are made on time and correctly. Keep an eye on the dates and organize your finances!
