Income Tax: Find out how retirees can save thousands of reais in fees!


Income Tax is a constant concern for many Brazilians, but some specific conditions can guarantee tax exemption, as in the case of retirement due to serious illnesses.

Retirement due to Serious Illness and Income Tax

For those facing serious illness, retirement can be a crucial source of support. However, in addition to the physical and emotional challenges, income taxes can pose an additional concern.

Fortunately, Brazilian legislation provides for income tax exemption for retirees who find themselves in this situation.


The exemption covers a series of serious illnesses, such as cancer, AIDS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, among others, as long as they are listed in Law No. 7,713/1988.

The exemption covers several types of retirements, not limited to disability, including those due to age or length of contribution.


Procedures for Obtaining Exemption

To obtain an Income Tax exemption, the taxpayer must meet certain requirements. First, it is necessary to prove the existence of the disease through detailed and up-to-date medical reports.

Specialized professionals recognized by the Regional Medical Council (CRM) must issue these reports.

In addition, the taxpayer must request the exemption from the Federal Revenue, presenting the necessary medical documents, along with the Income Tax declaration.

It is important that the taxpayer correctly follows the procedures established by the supervisory body to ensure that the exemption is granted appropriately.

Income Tax and Critical Illness Retirement: The Path to Financial Relief

Income Tax exemption for retirees due to serious illnesses represents an important financial relief for those who already face major health challenges.

However, it is essential that the taxpayer follows the procedures established by the Federal Revenue Service and ensures that he/she complies with all requirements in accordance with current legislation.

This way, it is possible to ensure that these people have access to the benefits to which they are entitled, allowing greater financial peace of mind during such a difficult period in their lives.

Image: Reproduction/ Internet.