Income Tax Withheld: Step by Step Guide to Making a Withdrawal


If you haven't received your income tax refund yet, it's probably because the amount was withheld. Learn more!

If your Income Tax refund money has not yet reached you, it is possible that the withholding of the amount is to blame. In this regard, the Federal Revenue Service made the payment of the last batch of the refund last Friday (29).

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However, some taxpayers, due to complications with their declaration, unfortunately fell into the fine mesh and did not receive the amounts due. Find out, in the following points, how to carry out the necessary procedure to release the withdrawal of the amount corresponding to the refund.

Checking the Status of my Income Tax

If you haven't received your refund yet, it's likely that the tax authorities have retained your tax return. However, there is a simple way to check your status: visit the e-CAC restricted area, log in and navigate to the “My Income Tax (Dirpf Statement)” section.


Subsequently, you will need to access the section called “IRPF Services”. There, you can check the details about the reason why your Income Tax return was withheld and thus proceed with the rectification.

How many taxpayers faced the fine mesh in 2023?

According to data released about this year's Income Tax, 3.1% of the submitted declarations ended up in the fine mesh. This translates into a total of 1,366,778 declarations, out of more than 43.4 million submitted.

Therefore, those who have faced the fine mesh need to carry out the rectification process so that the declaration is processed correctly. Thus, with the problem solved, they should be able to proceed with the request to receive the refund.

Receive your Income Tax refund

Once all matters relating to the declaration have been resolved, the taxpayer becomes eligible to receive the refund amounts. Thus, he/she will be able to receive the amounts normally in the account specified at the time of the declaration.

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However, if the taxpayer takes more than a year to withdraw the amount, it will be necessary to make the request through e-CAC. Simply access the “Declarations and Statements” and “My Income Tax” areas, clicking on “Request the unredeemed refund in the banking network”.