In a recent meeting, Fernando Haddad (PT), Minister of Finance, presented to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) plans to create a microcredit for those registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico)
In addition, the department is also working to launch Desenrola Brasil, a debt renegotiation program for small businesses. Thus, according to Valor Econômico, the proposals in the form of a Provisional Measure should be submitted by the end of March. See more details!
CadÚnico Microcredit
Therefore, Haddad proposes an expansion of microcredit for families registered with CadÚnico. This means that more low-income people will have access to small-value loans, facilitating investment in their own businesses and other entrepreneurial initiatives.
In short, microcredit is an important tool for promoting financial inclusion and stimulating entrepreneurship among low-income families. With access to small loans, these families can start or expand their businesses, thus improving their economic situation.
Unrolls for small businesses
In addition to microcredit for families, Haddad also discussed plans to facilitate access to resources for small businesses. This includes simplifying credit processes and developing specific support policies for this business segment.
In addition, the Desenrola Brasil program for small businesses is being developed by the Ministry of Finance in partnership with the Ministry of Entrepreneurship, Microenterprises and Small Businesses. Thus, Minister Márcio França (PSB) estimates that around 8 million companies could benefit from the program.
In this way, Desenrola Brasil for companies will provide more affordable interest rates and discounts to indebted legal entities, as has been the case since 2023 with individuals through the program that ends this March.
Image: Pixabay/ joelfotos