For those with a negative credit history, obtaining a credit card may seem like a challenge. However, there are options available on the market that meet this specific need, offering the possibility of accessing credit even in adverse credit situations.
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Some of these options include cards that work with a prepayment system or require an initial deposit as collateral. In other words, they provide a way to manage expenses without running the risk of additional debt.
Credit card for people with bad credit
See the best credit card options for those with bad credit:
Neon Bank
Banco Neon offers Viracrédito, a card for those with bad credit that requires an initial investment as collateral. This investment works like the credit card limit, offering flexibility and control over spending.
Superdigital offers a solution with its prepaid credit card. It is ideal for those with a bad credit history, as it allows you to make purchases online and in physical stores, preloading the card with the amount you plan to spend.
Banco Inter credit card
Banco Inter offers an option through CDB investment. Thus, the amount invested in Banco Inter's CDB Invested Limit is converted into a credit limit on the card, allowing the user to better control their spending while their money earns interest.
How to restore your credit?
Getting out of a negative credit situation and restoring your credit involves some important steps:
- Check your credit report: First, get a credit report to understand your current debts and verify the accuracy of the information;
- Negotiate your debts: Contact your creditors to negotiate outstanding debts. It is often possible to renegotiate terms or even obtain discounts;
- Set up a payment plan: Prioritize debts with the highest interest rates and create a realistic payment schedule.
- Keep payments up to date: Avoid new debt and keep payments on existing debts up to date.