FGTS's days are numbered. Understand


The Severance Pay Guarantee Fund (FGTS), one of the main benefits for Brazilian workers, is undergoing significant changes. Therefore, as the year progresses, important news emerges regarding the final FGTS payments for certain groups. This is a crucial moment, especially for those who have not yet withdrawn their FGTS and are looking for extra income at the end of the year.

December marks the last chance for those born in this month to make their FGTS anniversary withdrawal. This option allows you to withdraw part of the fund, which varies from 5% to 50% of the available balance, depending on the total amount in the account. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the withdrawal deadlines, as they are strictly regulated.

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FGTS withdrawal opportunity

The FGTS represents a significant financial reserve for many workers, accumulated over time in service. Therefore, those who are eligible for the anniversary withdrawal in December, specifically those born in this month, have the right to make the withdrawal. In addition, those born in October and November are still within the deadline to make their withdrawals, as long as they have already opted for this option.

How to make a withdrawal?

To withdraw FGTS funds in December, it is crucial to understand the difference between the withdrawal-on-termination and withdrawal-on-anniversary options. Thus, when opting for the withdrawal-on-anniversary option, the worker chooses to withdraw a portion of the FGTS annually, but loses the right to withdraw the full amount in the event of dismissal without just cause, except for the 40% fine. The switch to this option must be made in the worker's month of birth. In addition, workers also have the option of bringing forward the withdrawal by means of a loan, a option that allows them to advance up to three years of the amount available for withdrawal.


The FGTS is going through an important transition period, with final payments being announced for specific groups. Workers should be aware of the rules and deadlines to avoid missing out on this valuable opportunity.