Be careful with your Bolsa Família: 80% beneficiaries did not meet mandatory requirements.


The government called on Bolsa Família beneficiaries to participate in the established obligations, but only 30% showed up. Check it out!

According to information from the Federal Government, Bahia ranks second in number of Bolsa Família beneficiaries in May, with more than 2.5 million people receiving an average of R$1,658.89 per benefit. Salvador, with 304,412 families served, is the municipality with the largest number of participants in the social program in the state.

Given this scenario, the Municipal Health Department (SMS) called on Bolsa Família beneficiaries to fulfill their health obligations as a condition for continuing to receive the benefit.


As of last Tuesday (30), only 96,156 beneficiaries (30,95%) attended the posts to carry out the procedure, out of a total of 310,681. There are still approximately 70% of the target audience missing to carry out health monitoring in the capital.

Bolsa Família health monitoring

To avoid the suspension of Bolsa Família payments, beneficiary families must comply with the conditions of the social program, which include monitoring the health of their members. This involves:


  • Nutritional monitoring (weight and height) for women between 14 and 44 years old;
  • Prenatal care for pregnant women;
  • Nutritional monitoring for children up to 7 years old;
  • Vaccination card update.

All offices in Salvador are receiving Bolsa Família beneficiaries to update their obligations until June 30, 2023, from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm. It is necessary to present a photo ID, program card, children's vaccination card and pregnant woman's booklet (in the case of pregnant women).

Other obligations

In addition to health-related issues, to maintain the Bolsa Família benefit, the beneficiary must meet other conditions established by the social program, such as:

  • Minimum school attendance of 60% for children aged 4 to 5;
  • Minimum school attendance of 75% for children and young people between 6 and 18 years old, and for those who have not yet completed basic education.