How to receive R$2,900.00 from Caixa?


Did you know that you may be entitled to a withdrawal of up to R$1,900.00 from Caixa Econômica Federal? This amount is part of the FGTS anniversary withdrawal, an unmissable opportunity for many Brazilians. First of all, it is essential to know that this benefit is available to those who have a birthday in the month. If your birthday is in December, for example, you can request the withdrawal until the end of that month.

The process is simple, just activate the anniversary withdrawal option in the FGTS app, available for both Android and iOS. But remember, by opting for this option, you give up the right to withdraw the full amount of the FGTS in the event of unfair dismissal. Therefore, it is a decision that requires reflection.

See More: Central Bank discloses amounts receivable. Conwound


Who is entitled to the withdrawal offered by Caixa?

To be eligible for withdrawal, you must be a worker with a balance in the FGTS. The amount you can withdraw varies depending on the balance in your account. For example, for balances of up to R$ 500, you can withdraw up to 50% of the amount. However, for balances above R$ 20,000.01, the rate is 5%, plus an additional installment of R$ 2,900. Therefore, the higher the balance, the lower the percentage you can withdraw, but the higher the total amount available.

How to calculate the withdrawal amount?

The calculation of the withdrawal amount depends directly on the balance in your account. FGTS. Caixa Econômica Federal has established balance ranges with specific rates. For example, for a balance between R$ 500.01 and R$ 1,000, the rate is 40%, plus an additional installment of R$ 50. As the balance increases, the rate decreases, but the additional installment increases, maximizing the amount you can receive. It is an excellent opportunity to access part of your FGTS and use this money as you see fit.


In short, the FGTS anniversary withdrawal is an advantageous option for many workers. If you have a birthday in the month and have a balance in your FGTS, don't miss the chance to check if you are entitled to this benefit. Remember, the deadline to apply is the end of your birthday month.