The Single Registry is a registry that gathers information about families that receive benefits from the Federal Government. The Single Registry – as it is also called – is a mandatory requirement for receiving a series of social benefits, such as Bolsa Família.
To register, however, the leader of the family group must go to a Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) in their municipality to register the family. This person must bring documents such as CPF and ID (of all residents of the house) and proof of residence.
Additionally, in the case of young children, a birth certificate, proof of school enrollment and vaccination card are also required.
Single Registry App
After registering in person, you can use the Cadastro Único app to monitor and update your registration. To do this, simply download the app from Google Play (Android) or on App Store (iOS).
To log in, you will need to use your account. This is a Federal Government portal that can be used to request various services via the internet. If you do not have an account yet, access the Portal, click on “Entrar com o”, enter your CPF in the indicated field and follow the other instructions.
Once this is done, when accessing the CadÚnico app, click on “Entrar com” and enter the same information (including access password).
CadÚnico Updates
Simply being registered with CadÚnico is not enough to guarantee that you will receive benefits. You need to update your registration regularly. You can do this directly through the app. Go to it and look for “Registration update by confirmation”.
Then, change the information or just confirm that the old information is still correct. Once this is done, just select “Submit registration”.
Image: Disclosure/CadÚnico