How to update CadÚnico in 2024?


Keeping information updated in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) is a crucial practice to ensure continued access to essential social benefits. 

Thus, in 2024, the need for updating persists, and understanding the process and benefits associated with this action is essential for millions of Brazilians. See more details below. 

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Data update

Updating your information in the Single Registry is a process that requires attention and regularity. To ensure that your information is always accurate, the first step is to go to a Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) or a city hall. At these institutions, those responsible for the Single Registry can provide detailed guidance on the procedure.

It is important to highlight that the update must happen whenever there are changes in the family composition, changes of address and variations in family income. It is worth mentioning that the lack of update may result in the suspension or even loss of social benefits.


Benefits of CadÚnico

Updating the Single Registry is not only an obligation, but also the key to unlocking a series of social benefits offered by the government. Among the programs linked to the Single Registry, Bolsa Família stands out, which aims to provide financial assistance to families in vulnerable situations. 

In addition to Bolsa Família, CadÚnico is also used as an eligibility criterion for BPC, which is intended for the elderly and people with disabilities in vulnerable situations. Keeping the data up to date ensures that those who truly need this assistance can receive it in a fair and efficient manner.

Another benefit linked to the Single Registry is the Gas Aid, a financial support for the purchase of cooking gas cylinders. Therefore, timely updating of the Single Registry is essential to avoid the suspension of this benefit. This ensures that it continues to be a crucial source of support for Brazilian families.

Image: Agência Brasil