CLT can earn benefit of R$3,900. Understand


Workers governed by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) in Brazil have reason to celebrate. In 2023, a new financial opportunity arises: the FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal. This benefit, introduced by Law 13.932/19, allows workers to withdraw part of the balance in their FGTS accounts annually. The most impressive thing is that the amount can reach up to R$$3,900. This option stands out as a financially advantageous alternative, especially when compared to the traditional 13th salary.

As the end of the year approaches, the expectation surrounding extra payments, such as the 13th salary, grows among workers. However, the FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal presents itself as a promising option. By opting for this modality, workers can access a significant amount of their funds, offering welcome financial relief.

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Understanding the FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal

The Anniversary Withdrawal of FGTS is a modality that allows workers to withdraw a portion of the balance in their FGTS accounts annually, in the month of their birthday. However, it is important to note that by choosing this option, the worker temporarily waives the Withdrawal-Rescission, which is the full withdrawal of the balance in the event of dismissal without just cause. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully evaluate the professional situation before making this decision.

Value ranges and benefits

The amount available for withdrawal varies according to the balance in the FGTS account. For example, for balances above R$20,000.01, the worker can withdraw 5% of the balance plus an additional R$2,900, totaling up to R$3,900. Compared to the 13th salary, which is subject to discounts such as Income Tax and INSS, the Anniversary Withdrawal is more advantageous, as the amount withdrawn is in full, without discounts.


The FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal represents an excellent opportunity for CLT workers to obtain an additional financial benefit in 2023. Each worker must consider their financial and professional situation before opting for this option, considering the temporary waiver of the Termination Withdrawal. With this new option, workers have another alternative to strengthen their financial health next year.