A large part of the population uses credit cards as a means of payment. We know that when signing up for any type of card there is an annual fee. Often, these fees are high and do not give you any benefit in return.
Santander is offering a super promotion, with no annual fee on almost all types of credit cards they offer.
Which credit cards are participating in the promotion?
Virtually all cards are participating, except Amex and Unlimited cards.
Check out some of the available options below:
- Santander Elite;
- Santander Unique;
- SX & SX University;
- GOL Smiles Santander Gold;
- GOL Smiles Santander Platinum;
- GOL Smiles Santander Infinite.
Benefits of purchasing one of the available cards
By joining one or more of the credit cards available, you can earn Cashbacks on purchases made at the Esfera shopping mall, preferential boarding and check-in with Gol, free access to VIP lounges at airports and up to 20,000 Smiles miles.
Remembering that the benefits are diverse and depend on the card chosen.
Until when can I get my credit card?
The promotion is valid until 10/31/2023 and to get the free annual fee for 12 months, you need to use the credit option until 11/10/2023.
Tag Santander
Santander has the Tag Santander and its main objective is to make life easier for its customers in their daily lives.
With Tag, you can top up and use your balance at toll booths, partner parking lots, Drive-Thru, Car Wash and Shop Marketplace and fill up with Cashback.
Exclusive to its customers, the tag has no monthly fee, paying only R$$20.00 for membership.
Advantages of purchasing the Santander Tag
The SEM PARAR app was created so that you can track your usage, pay your fines, IPVA and licensing in installments, calculate travel expenses, compare fuel prices at gas stations and much more…
Image: Disclosure/ Santander