The Chamber of Deputies approved a project that seeks to reformulate tax incentives for the events sector, with the aim of boosting the resumption of activities and helping companies that were heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The initiative is a response to the challenges faced by this segment, which is among the most affected during the health crisis.
Impact of the Pandemic on the Events Sector
Several companies in the events sector, such as entertainment venues, cultural producers and tourism companies, have faced great difficulties since the beginning of the pandemic.
With the adoption of social distancing measures and restrictions on gatherings, many events were canceled or postponed, resulting in significant financial losses.
In this context, the project approved by the Chamber seeks to offer support and opportunities for these companies to recover.
Perse: Benefits of the program for the events sector
THE proposal provides for the creation of the Emergency Program for the Recovery of the Events Sector (Perse), which aims to provide a series of tax benefits and specific credit lines for the sector.
The measures include the possibility of paying tax debts in installments, granting discounts on taxes and contributions and refinancing debts.
In addition, a guarantee fund will be created to facilitate access to credit lines and financing for companies in the sector.
The project also establishes exemption from paying taxes on donations, sponsorships or contributions for events, which aims to encourage the resumption of partnerships and investments in the sector.
This measure is important to stimulate the growth and recovery of companies, in addition to boosting job creation and boosting the economy.
Project goes to the Senate
Approved unanimously, the bill now goes to the Senate, where it will be assessed before coming into force. The expectation is that the measures proposed by Perse will be effective in resuming activities in the events sector, helping companies to get back on their feet after months of inactivity.
Tax incentives and specific credit lines are essential to guarantee the survival of these companies, which contribute significantly to culture, tourism and entertainment in the country.
It is important to highlight that the approval of this project demonstrates the concern of the government and parliamentarians in supporting the sectors most affected by the pandemic.
The initiative represents a joint effort to rebuild the national economy and prevent companies from closing their doors permanently.
Events are an essential part of the population's culture and leisure, and it is essential to ensure that they can happen again in a safe and sustainable way.