INSS Calendar: who receives today? 


O calendário de pagamentos do INSS começou no dia 21 de dezembro, ou seja, quem tem o número final do cartão 1 e 2 já recebeu. Hoje, um dia depois do Natal, quem recebe são os beneficiários do número final 3. 

Sendo assim, confira o calendário completo previsto para essa semana e saiba quando você vai receber seu benefício.

See more: Rock in Rio 2024: quanto custa um ingresso para a 40ª edição?


INSS December Calendar 

It is important to note that the calendar follows the final number of the benefit card, disregarding the verification digit, immediately after the hyphen. Therefore, see the INSS payment dates scheduled for the month of December:

Up to 1 minimum wage

  • Final 1: December 21;
  • Final 2: December 22;
  • Final 3: December 26;
  • Final 4: December 27;
  • Final 5: December 28;
  • Final 6: January 2;
  • Final 7: January 3;
  • Final 8: January 4th;
  • Final 9: January 5th;
  • Final 0: January 8th.

Above 1 minimum wage

  • Final 1 and 6: January 2;
  • Final 2 and 7: January 3;
  • Final 3 and 8: January 4;
  • Final 4 and 9: January 5;
  • Final 5 and 0: January 8th.

Qual a importância da aposentadoria do INSS? 

Retirement is an essential milestone in life, providing a well-deserved rest after decades of contribution. In addition to ensuring financial stability, it allows the pursuit of personal interests, contributing to quality of life and emotional well-being. 


This transition period not only rewards the effort put into work, but also opens up space for new experiences, volunteering, and time with family.

Retirement, therefore, is not just an economic benefit, but an opportunity for a more serene and enriching phase of existence, highlighting the importance of planning and valuing this chapter in life's journey.

Image: Marcello Casal Jr/Agência Brasil