If you are an enthusiast of accumulating points and miles When paying bills with a credit card, there is a new feature from Caixa that may interest you. Lottery shops are now accepting payment of bills and even lottery games with credit and debit cards from all banks, under the Visa, Mastercard and Elo brands. However, it is important to note that paying credit card bills with another credit card is not permitted.
Rates and availability
The company responsible for offering this service is FISERV, and it has established the following rates:
- Payment by credit card: fee of 2.95%.
- Debit card payment: fee of 0.98%.
Although this is great news for those who use this method to accumulate benefits, this new feature is not available at all lottery outlets. In our research, we found that some outlets in São Paulo and Ceará already offer the service and confirmed the rates, but availability may vary by region.
Which avAdvantages of paying bills on credit?
For customers who use bill payment as part of their strategy to achieve credit card goals, whether to take advantage of promotional actions or to waive annual fees, this new development is very positive. The fee of 2.95% is lower than the 3.49% charged by RecargaPay, which was one of the best options available for this transaction.
Reducing costs for customers can not only benefit those who already use the service, but also stimulate competition and lead to better conditions for paying bills in the future.
However, it is important to pay attention to the details. Banks usually consider payment of bills as ineligible transactions to reach spending goals in promotional campaigns. Therefore, if your intention is to boost the accumulation of points on your credit card, check your bank's rules before using this service. This precaution can avoid frustration and ensure that you successfully reach your goals.
Image: Pexel/Pixabay