Gas Benefit: Will I Receive It in July? Find Out Now


Gas Benefit credits for the month of June will begin next Monday (19). However, what will happen in July? Find out if you will receive it!

The Gas Assistance Program was established in December 2021, providing access to cooking gas for low-income and vulnerable families. Through this benefit, the Federal Government provides assistance and financial relief to several citizens for the purchase of 13-kilogram LPG cylinders.

The Gas Benefit is credited together with the Bolsa Família in the beneficiary's Caixa Tem account. In addition, the aid credit dates for the year 2023 have already been announced, following the Bolsa Família calendar.


In June, the Gas Assistance Program credit will begin next Monday (19) and end on the 30th. However, will families also receive the benefit in July? See below!

Will I receive the Gas Assistance Program in July?

Next month, July, the Gas Assistance Program will not be credited. This is because the benefit deposits are made every two months. Since the benefit will be credited in June, the next credit will occur in August.


Furthermore, the value of the benefit in August may vary, since the value is based on the average price measured by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), with no guarantee that the amount credited will be the same as in June. To determine the value of the aid, the agency calculates the average price of cooking gas in the country in the previous six months.

Gas Assistance Program Credit Schedule in 2023

In June, credits will be made between June 19th and June 30th. As mentioned, there will be no deposits in July. However, it is already possible to check the next credits.

The release of credits from the Gas Assistance Program is organized according to the last digit of the Social Identification Number (NIS), similar to Bolsa Família. Therefore, check the table according to your NIS:

NIS End1st: February2nd: April3rd: June4th: August5th: October6th: December