A new series of R$ 110 payments in Caixa Tem will be starting soon. This benefit refers to the Federal Government's Gas Aid, which is made available bimonthly. Currently, support for the purchase of a 13 kg gas cylinder is received by more than 5 million families.
Unlike Bolsa Família, Auxílio Gás does not have a set value. However, the amount corresponds to 100% of the average price of cooking gas, according to information from the National Petroleum Agency (ANP). In June, the expectation is that the voucher will reach the value of R$ 110.
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Gas Aid: who is entitled and how to check?
Many Bolsa Família beneficiaries are surprised when they are not included in the payroll for the R$ 110 benefit made available by Caixa Tem. However, the reason is simple: each program has its own rules and characteristics.
The Gas Aid is granted to families with a monthly per capita income equal to or less than half the minimum wage and who have an up-to-date registration with CadÚnico (Single Registry). The benefit is also intended for beneficiaries of the Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC). Although it is not a mandatory criterion, the government prioritizes women who are victims of domestic violence and who have urgent protective measures.
Read also: New Bolsa Família Calendar JUNE 2023 [Updated Table]
To consult the aid, users have several options available. These include:
Caixa Tem app (available for Android and iOS);
Bolsa Família App (also available for Android and iOS);
Caixa Citizen Portal;
Central Caixa by telephone, on number 111;
And finally, the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger, on number 121.
Payment schedule for Gas Aid through Caixa Tem.
Read also: Bolsa Família announces the introduction of debit cards to facilitate payments