Single Registry Update 2023 – The Complete Online Update Guide.


Published on May 24, 2023

In an increasingly digital world, the need to keep documents and registrations updated virtually has never been so crucial. With this in mind, we have prepared a complete guide for you on how to update your Single Registry (CadÚnico) online in 2023.

CadÚnico is an essential tool of the Federal Government. It allows low-income families to apply for social programs, such as Bolsa Família, Tarifa Social de Energia Elétrica, among others. Therefore, it is essential that this data is always up to date to ensure continued access to these benefits.


How to update CadÚnico online

  1. Visit the official website: The first step to updating your CadÚnico is to visit the official Cadastro Único website. Make sure you are on the correct website to avoid possible fraud.
  2. Login: To log in, you will need your CPF, full name, date of birth and mother's full name. If you do not have an account yet, you can create one for free.
  3. Updating your details: Once logged in, you will be taken to your profile page. Here, you can check your current details and update them if necessary. Remember to check all the information carefully to avoid any errors.
  4. Confirmation: After updating your data, you will need to confirm your changes. This step is crucial to ensure that all updates are saved correctly.
  5. Finalization: Once all updates have been confirmed, you can exit the site. Your data will be updated in the system, and you will receive a confirmation by email.

Updating your CadÚnico is a simple and straightforward process that can be done from anywhere with internet access. Keeping your registration up to date is essential to ensure that you and your family continue to have access to the Federal Government's social programs. Therefore, don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Update your CadÚnico right now and guarantee your benefits!


If you have any questions or difficulties during the update process, please contact the Cadastro Único call center. Remember: updating your data is your responsibility. Take advantage of the ease that the internet provides and update your data now!