Bolsa Família advance payment confirmed; See who receives it


The government has confirmed that payments for Bolsa Família, one of Brazil's most important social programs, will be brought forward to this month. This news is a source of relief and hope for millions of Brazilian families who depend on this financial support.

The program, which aims to combat poverty and inequality, provides essential benefits to low-income families. By advancing the payments, the government aims to provide faster financial relief to these families, especially at a time when many are facing economic challenges.

See also: This will be the last INSS payment: Understand


Who will receive the Bolsa Família advance?

The advance payment of Bolsa Família this month will benefit families whose Social Registration Numbers (NIS) end in certain digits. This is because the payment calendar payments was carefully planned to ensure an efficient and fair distribution of resources.

For example, families with NIS numbers ending in 1 will receive their payments on January 17, while those with NIS numbers ending in 2 will have their payments brought forward to the 18th. This scheme continues until the end of the month, with different dates designated for each group of beneficiaries. It is important for families to check their NIS numbers and follow the calendar to know exactly when they will receive their benefits.


How do I access payment information?

For Bolsa Família beneficiaries, it is essential to know how and where to access information about their payments. The government provides official apps, such as Bolsa Família and Caixa Tem, where beneficiaries can check payment dates and other relevant information.

These apps are reliable and secure tools designed to make it easier for beneficiaries to access the information they need. It is recommended that all beneficiaries download and use these apps to stay up to date on payments and other news related to Bolsa Família.

Image: Rafael Lampert Zart/ ASCOM/ MDSA