Changes to My Home My Life. Understand


In the wake of his third term, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has revitalized the acclaimed Minha Casa, Minha Vida (MCMV) program, introducing an expanded format called cities or partnerships. In this way, this innovation represents a synergy between the Union, the states, the municipalities and the Federal District, aiming to improve access to housing finance. A striking feature of this expansion is the mobilization of resources from the FGTS to support families with a monthly income of up to R$1,000, expanding the range of potential beneficiaries.

Diversification with the New Modalities of My Home My Life

The renewal of the program introduces three distinct modalities, as announced by the Ministry of Cities:

  1. MCMV Cities-Amendments: Centralized on resources from parliamentary amendments to the General Budget of the Union, this option is a relief for families in need of extra financial support to pay for down payments or manage monthly payments on housing loans.
  2. MCMV Counterpart Cities: This approach is supported by the budgets of subnational public entities. It is a collaborative approach between states, municipalities and the Federal District to increase housing affordability in the country.
  3. MCMV Land: Innovatively, this modality encourages subnational entities to provide land, thus accelerating the development of new housing projects.

Expanded Benefits and Flexible Financing in MCMV

The investments in MCMV defined by each government entity, aligned with the predefined limits for the income brackets existing in the program. Therefore, these investments will be added to the discounts provided by the FGTS for families with monthly incomes of up to R$4,400.00. One of the great advantages of these introductions is the chance to eliminate the need for a down payment when taking out the loan, in addition to providing a reduction in installments. It is essential to emphasize that the program focuses mainly on benefiting families included in Bands 1 and 2 of the MCMV. For more information and detailed guidelines on Minha Casa, Minha Vida, it is advisable that interested parties use official government channels.


Marcello Casal Jr/ Brazil Agency