Can a 60-year-old receive BPC?


The Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC) is a benefit established by the Organic Law of Social Assistance. The BPC is an aid intended for people with disabilities and elderly people over a certain age.

However, BPC is not a retirement benefit (contrary to what many people think). Therefore, receiving this benefit does not require contributions to the INSS. For this reason, the benefit does not pay the 13th salary or provide a survivor's pension.

But after all, is it possible for a 60-year-old to receive BPC?


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Rules for receiving BPC

As mentioned above, the BPC is aimed at seniors from a certain pre-determined age. Although 60 years of age is already considered senior, only those over 65 years of age can receive the BPC due to age.


However, it is worth remembering that disabled people of any age are also covered. This means that people aged 60 may still be covered by the disability criterion.

How to apply

First, the beneficiary's family must be duly registered in the Single Registry. This can be done by going to a Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) in your city with the necessary documents (access the website from the MDS to consult).

As for the benefit itself, you ask for it website from My INSS or via cell phone, available for Android and for iOS. Register on the platform using your CPF and look for the “New Order” option, requesting the one you want.

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