Great news for the beneficiaries of Bolsa Família! The Brazilian government, in response to the intense rains that devastated several regions at the beginning of the year, brought forward the program's payments in five states during the month of April.
States with advance payments
- Bahia: April 11th to 20th
- Holy Spirit: April 14th to 22nd
- Minas Gerais: April 18th to 26th
- Pernambuco: April 19 to 27
- Rio de Janeiro: April 20th to 28th
Complete calendar for all states
- 1st to 10th: NIS ending 1
- 11 to 20: NIS final 2
- 21 to 30: NIS final 3
Important information about Bolsa Família
- The benefit amount in April will be R$ 600.00, with an additional installment of R$ 200.00;
- Caixa Tem releases the money gradually, according to the final NIS number;
- To check your balance and withdraw your benefit, access the application Caixa Tem or go to a Caixa Tem branch Box Federal Economic.
Stay tuned:
- Keep your registration data updated on Single Registry.
- If you have any questions, call Caixa Econômica Federal on 111.
More information about Bolsa Família
Benefit Value
- The minimum value of Bolsa Família in 2024 is R$$ 600.00;
- Families with per capita income of less than R$ 105.00 can receive up to R$ 1,752.00;
- The benefit amount is variable and depends on family income, number of members and family composition.
Benefit Payment
- Bolsa Família payments are made monthly through Caixa Tem;
- The payment schedule follows the beneficiary's final NIS number;
- Money can be withdrawn at Caixa Econômica Federal branches, lottery shops or ATMs.
How to Register
- To be register in Bolsa Família, it is necessary to have a per capita family income of less than R$218.00;
- Registration can be done online, through the federal government website, or at a service point. CadÚnico;
- It is necessary to present documents such as ID, CPF, proof of income and address.
Conditions for Receiving
- To receive Bolsa Família, families must:
- Keep your registration data updated in CadÚnico;
- Vaccinate your children against childhood diseases;
- Maintain school attendance of children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old.
What's New in the Program
- The federal government is implementing new measures in Bolsa Família, such as:
- Increase in the benefit amount to R$ 600.00;
- Creation of Auxílio Brasil, which will benefit families with per capita income between R$105.00 and R$210.00;
- Implementation of an income transfer program for families living in extreme poverty.
Image: Internet Reproduction