See who will receive Bolsa Família on Monday


The Bolsa Família calendar began on October 18, so the vast majority of beneficiaries have already received the installment amount. However, beneficiaries with NIS 9 and 0 are still waiting to receive it.

Therefore, tomorrow (30) beneficiaries with NIS ending in 9 will receive the amount of benefit. It is important to highlight that families must move the value through the Has Box, in a practical and fast way. 

Bolsa Família News

The month of October was full of news for those who receive Bolsa Família. This is because at the beginning of the calendar, families in the Amazon region and the south of the country were able to withdraw the amount in advance, since these places had a state of emergency declared by the government. 


In the Amazon region, families suffered from severe drought and were therefore able to receive their payments earlier than expected. In the south of the country, a cyclone affected the lives of families.

This way, these families were able to withdraw the money without following the NIS number, due to the adversities. Another advantage this month is that the federal government released a new additional amount, focused on mothers of babies up to 6 months old. 


Therefore, those who meet the requirements will receive R$ 50 per child. There are also other additional benefits, which already existed before, such as: 

  • R$ 50 for children and adolescents aged 7 to 18;
  • R$ 50 per pregnant or lactating woman. 
  • R$ 150 per child up to 6 years old.

October Calendar

See the complete Bolsa Família calendar for October: 

  • NIS final 1 – October 18; 
  • NIS final 2 – October 19; 
  • NIS final 3 – October 20;
  • NIS final 4 – October 23; 
  • NIS final 5 – October 24; 
  • NIS final 6 – October 25; 
  • NIS final 7 – October 26; 
  • NIS final 8 – October 27; 
  • NIS final 9 – October 30; 
  • NIS ending 0 – October 31st. 

Image: Agência Brasil