Food vouchers are a very important benefit offered by companies to their employees. They are a cost-of-living allowance for employees' meals and are intended to improve their quality of life.
But how does food voucher payment work? In this complete guide, we will clarify all your doubts on this subject.
How is the food voucher payment made?
Payment of this benefit can be made in different ways, depending on the rules adopted by the company and the company issuing the benefit.
The most common way is through a magnetic card, similar to a credit or debit card. The amount defined by the company is made available monthly on the card, and the employee can use it at partner establishments.
It is important to highlight that the food voucher cannot be used for any purpose. It is restricted exclusively to the purchase of food, non-alcoholic beverages and food products, such as supermarket items, restaurants and partner cafes.
What is the value of the food voucher?
There is no fixed value for the food voucher, as it can vary according to each company's policy. The value set generally takes into account the number of days worked in the month and the employee's working hours.
The adjustment of the value can also be made annually, following the collective bargaining agreements of each professional category. If there are changes in the value, the company must communicate this to employees in a clear and transparent manner.
Is this benefit mandatory?
Food vouchers are not a legally required benefit, but many companies choose to offer them as a way to value their employees and encourage better nutrition. It is common for the benefit to be included in collective agreements or union conventions to ensure its payment.
Furthermore, food vouchers also bring tax benefits to companies, such as tax exemptions and reductions, which encourages their implementation.
What are the benefits of food vouchers?
Food vouchers bring several benefits to both employees and companies. For employees:
- Helps reduce food expenses, providing an improvement in the quality and variety of food consumed;
- Promotes an improvement in quality of life, ensuring adequate and healthy nutrition.
For companies, the food voucher benefit:
- Helps retain talent, valuing your employees and increasing job satisfaction;
- Furthermore, it contributes to employee motivation and productivity;
- Cost reductions for the company as it will receive tax incentives through the PAT.
Image: freepik/ pch.vector