Last Step of DESENROLA: Date of the Final Stage of Debt Renegotiation Announced. Read!


Unroll Brazil: Learn more about the final stage of the debt adjustment plan.

The final phase of the government project Unroll Brazil starts between September 25 and 29, according to the Ministry of Finance. It is a plan of debt settlement under the management of Lula (PT), aiming to help debtors of Track 1.

What is the profile of Track 1?

This category includes people earning up to two minimum wages (R$ 2,640) or registered in the Federal Government's Single Registry (CadÚnico).


What does the final stage encompass?

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The final stage of the Unroll Brazil allows the adjustment of financial and non-financial commitments that together do not exceed R$ 5 thousand.


Note: Transactions in the context of the project Unroll are exempt from IOF (Tax on Financial Transactions).

However, the project excludes adjustments to agricultural debts, real estate loans, secured credits, operations with financing or other risks.

Results of the initial phase of Desenrola Brasil

The inaugural phase of the Unroll Brazil led to the settlement of R$8.1 billion by banks, according to the Federation of Banks (Febraban). Additionally, around 5 million individuals regularized their situation.

The numbers show that the debt settlement plan made it possible to adjust almost 1.3 million contracts, benefiting 1 million users.

And even in the initial phase, which only covered agreements with banking institutions, retailers were ahead with settlement campaigns.

Retailers involved in the initial phase

Casas Bahia and Ponto, from Via (VIIA3), as well as Lojas Renner (LREN3) led the movement. Magazine Luiza (MGLU3) and C&A (CEAB3) also joined.

Social impact of Desenrola Brasil

THE Unroll Brazil goes beyond a mere debt settlement plan. It reveals the government's determination to raise society's standard of living. Through this, millions were able to regularize their situation and restart their financial trajectory.

This is the kind of action that underscores the government's dedication to the well-being of the people, presenting options for those facing challenges in fulfilling their commitments.

How does Desenrola Brasil work?

THE Unroll Brazil It's pretty straightforward. If you meet the criteria, you can seek out banks or financial institutions to settle outstanding debts made up to December 31, 2022. There is no ceiling on the amount of the commitment to be adjusted.

The guidelines of debt settlement are stipulated by financial institutions. Each institution follows its commercial strategy and defines rules for joining the plan.

How to get involved in Desenrola Brasil?

There are several ways to join the Unroll Brazil. Below, we detail the alternatives at some of the most prominent national banks and financial institutions.

Bank of Brazil

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Banco do Brasil proposes terms such as payment in up to 120 installments, discounts of up to 25% on fees and up to 96% for payment in cash.

Get involved through the official website, sending “#renegocie” to the bank’s WhatsApp, through the app or by calling customer service.

Federal Savings Bank

Caixa offers options such as payment in cash with up to 90% discount, installments of 12 to 96 months with adapted rates and the first installment after 30 days.

Get involved through the official website, WhatsApp, apps or by calling customer service.


Bradesco has not released specific details, but it is possible to join the plan through the official website, digital channels or directly at a branch.


Itaú proposes exclusive benefits and terms for the settlement, including a reduction of up to 60% in interest on overdue debts.

Get involved through the official website or WhatsApp.


Santander offers adjustments with or without down payment, adaptable rates and discounts of up to 90%. Installments can be made in up to 120 installments.

Get involved by calling customer service or visiting the official website.

Other Financial Institutions

Many other entities are also in the Unroll Brazil, such as PicPay, Pagbank, Inter, C6 and Banco Pan. Each one presents its own debt settlement guidelines.