Last Week of Bolsa Família Payments by Caixa


The final week of October brings exciting news for the last groups waiting for Bolsa Família. Brazil’s main income transfer program follows a specific criteria for its payments.

In this way, beneficiaries access the resource on different dates. Some receive it before the 20th, while others only see the money in their accounts at the end of each month. This applies to two specific groups, who are waiting for the final October Bolsa Família payments.

Who will have Bolsa Família available this week?

Read also: Bolsa Família: Find out when the Christmas bonus will be paid and who is entitled


Basically, Bolsa Família disbursements are determined by the last digit of the beneficiaries' Social Identification Number (NIS). Therefore, each business day, a different group sees the amount credited to their accounts.

This week, Caixa Econômica Federal will make the transfer for October to the two remaining groups. Despite the wait, there are plenty of reasons to celebrate, as the Bolsa Família amount has been increased throughout the country.


See the Bolsa Família payment schedule for October 2023:

Payment dateNIS End
October 18th1 (RELEASED)
October 19th2 (RELEASED)
October 20th3 (RELEASED)
October 234 (RELEASED)
October 24th5 (RELEASED)
October 25th6 (RELEASED)
October 26th7 (RELEASED)
October 27th8 (RELEASED)
October 30th9
October 31st0

This week, those with NIS numbers ending in 9 and 0 will see their Bolsa Família credited. In fact, those with NIS numbers ending in 9 have already received the amount since Saturday (28). This is due to the fact that the Federal Government has brought forward payments scheduled for Mondays by two days.

Increased value of Bolsa Família excites beneficiaries

In short, families in the Bolsa Família program have different profiles, such as the number of dependents and their respective ages. Thus, each one receives a specific amount from the program.

In practice, Bolsa Família encompasses several benefits that determine the share that each beneficiary receives. This structure was designed by the government to serve everyone according to their needs, ensuring the inclusion of all groups.

It is worth noting that beneficiaries can accumulate these benefits, as long as they meet the criteria for each one. Below, we detail the Bolsa Família benefits for October:

1- Citizenship Income Benefit

The rule establishes a payment of R$ 142 per individual registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico). Therefore, the amount is multiplied by the number of family members.

For example, a family of five members receives R$ 710 per month (R$ 142 x 5 = R$ 710). If there are ten members, the amount reaches R$ 1,420 (R$ 142 x 10 = R$ 1,420). This calculation shows that the Benefit may exceed the current minimum wage (R$ 1,320), depending on the composition of the family.

2- Supplementary Benefit

Considering the Citizenship Income Benefit, single-person families (one member) would only earn R$142 per month. However, the minimum amount set by the government for Bolsa Família is R$600.

To ensure the base amount of R$ 600 for everyone, the federal government supplements the amount for many beneficiaries. This reinforcement benefits families of up to four members, who would receive a maximum of R$ 568 (R$ 142 x 4 = R$ 568) monthly.

Read also: Will Bolsa Família pay an EXTRA amount this month?

3- Early Childhood Family Grant

Since March 2023, the government has been releasing an amount of R$150 for each child up to six years old. Thus, groups with children up to six years and eleven months old receive this extra amount.

4- Family Variable Benefit

The government allocates an additional R$ 50 for children and young people aged 7 to 18, and also for pregnant and breastfeeding women within the family.

5- Variable Benefit for Nursing Mothers

In September, the government introduced an additional R$ 50 for family members aged up to seven months. This provides additional support for childcare.

6- Extraordinary Transition Benefit

This aid ensures that all those enrolled in Bolsa Família receive an amount no lower than the previous program (Auxílio Brasil).

Finally, the amounts of all these benefits are consolidated on the same date of the Benefit, forming the total installment. Therefore, those who qualify for the benefits receive them according to the schedule of the main Brazilian welfare program.

7- Gas Aid

In addition to those mentioned, the Gas Aid, which was resumed in October after a pause, will benefit more than 5.5 million people. In this way, many families will be able to accumulate all these benefits, raising the Bolsa Família installment well above R$1,600.

It is important to note that all of these benefits are included on the same Benefit date. Therefore, those who are entitled to them receive them according to the calendar of Brazil's main welfare program.