Saiba como usar o cartão de crédito corretamente


O cartão de crédito pode ser um problema na vida de muita gente. Isso porque alguns bancos oferecem limites altos, o que faz com que as pessoas se percam na hora de controlar os gastos

Desse modo, confira algumas dicas para não fazer com que seu cartão de crédito se torne um pesadelo na sua vida.  

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Tips for using your credit card correctly

Confira algumas dicas importantes para usar o seu cartão de forma correta: 

Evite o parcelamento

When people are broke, they end up spending money without the means to do so and paying in installments on their credit card. However, this habit can be very harmful to your budget, as you may end up compromising your limit with unnecessary expenses.


So, be careful and only buy things if you have the money in your account. Only pay in installments in emergencies. 

Corte gastos desnecessários

Superfluous expenses are all those that are not essential, such as subscribing to several streaming services, for example. Try to choose the one you use the most instead of subscribing to all of them and spending a lot of money without even taking advantage of the tool.

This way, you will be able to pay essential bills such as water, rent and electricity, for example, more easily. 

Be aware of your financial situation

This tip may seem simple, but it is very important, since many people do not spend according to their income. So, to avoid debt, list all your expenses and see if they match your financial situation. A good option is to use a spreadsheet to organize yourself. 

Estabeleça um limite no seu cartão de crédito

Setting a spending limit on your credit card is essential and it should always be in line with your monthly income. So set a limit and try to stick to it to avoid getting into debt. 

Escolha o cartão certo para você

Outra boa opção é procurar um cartão de crédito que ofereça benefícios que se encaixem no seu estilo de vida. Além disso, procure uma opção sem anuidade para não ter um gasto a mais. 

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