Rules to continue receiving Bolsa Família


Bolsa Família is the federal government's national income transfer program. It serves the purpose of financially assisting families in situations of social vulnerability. There are, however, some rules that must be followed in order to continue receiving the benefit on a monthly basis.

First of all, in order to receive Bolsa Família, all members of the family unit must be duly registered in the Single Registry. In addition, it is necessary to keep the registration information always updated.

The Single Registry is a registry that gathers information about beneficiaries of government social programs throughout the country. It is a mandatory requirement for receiving a variety of benefits.


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Rules for continuous receipt of Bolsa Família

Anyone receiving Bolsa Família must follow a list of guidelines that will ensure they continue to receive the aid. This information is provided in primer of the Bolsa Família program. See below:


  • Pregnant women should have prenatal care;
  • Monitoring the national vaccination schedule for children in the family;
  • Nutritional monitoring of children under seven years of age;
  • For children aged four to five, minimum school attendance of 60% and 75% for beneficiaries aged six to 18 (incomplete eighteen).

November Payment Schedule

Check below the payments for the month of November, which began on the 17th, as announced. The criterion is the last digit of the NIS (Social Identification Number).

Final digit of NISPayment date
1November 17th
2November 20th
3November 21st
4November 22nd
5November 23
6November 24th
7November 27th
8November 28th
9November 29th
0November 30th

Image: Jefferson Rudy/Senate Agency