Debt Reduction: Brazilians Relieved in August


In August, 77.4% of families had debts, showing a reduction compared to July. See!

Since the beginning of 2010, the National Confederation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC) has published the Consumer Debt and Default Survey (PEIC) every month. This week, the CNC presented the data for the month of August, showing an encouraging scenario.

In August, 77.4% of families had debts, which indicates a decrease compared to July, where the index reached 78.1%. This represents a drop of 0.7%. Check out more information!


Lower amount of debt for Brazilians

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The study also shows that, over the last year, household debt has decreased by 1.6%. However, the number of outstanding bills has increased from 29.6% to 30%. Furthermore, the fraction of individuals who believe they cannot pay off their debts has increased from 10.8% to 12.7% in 12 months.


According to a survey carried out by the National Confederation of Retail Managers (CNDL) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brasil), the segments that accumulate the most debts among citizens are:

  • Banks: 62,67%;
  • Water and Electricity Services: 12,24%;
  • Retail: 11,42%;
  • Miscellaneous: 6,86%.

Debts x Outstanding debts

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Although they are commonly linked, having debts and being in default represent different conditions. Having debts refers to the act of a consumer acquiring a financial obligation that will be settled later. Therefore, it involves future financial commitments, such as credit card purchases or financing of properties or vehicles, as long as they are up to date.

On the other hand, default occurs when an individual accumulates excessive debts and is unable to meet the commitments made, thus losing control of his or her financial situation. In short, not all people in debt are in default, but all people in default have debts.