The highly anticipated social benefit: PIS/PASEP

PIS/PASEP, a social program of utmost importance to millions of Brazilian workers, it offers essential financial assistance to support families and fulfill various financial obligations.

With the arrival of 2024, new hopes are renewed, especially for those with birthdays in the months of May and June, who are anxiously awaiting their payment dates.

PIS/PASP: Payment Dates Set for May and June

Good news for those celebrating their birthday in May! payment schedule of PIS/PASEP in 2024 defines that you will be able to withdraw the benefit from May 22nd.

This date marks the beginning of the period in which these workers will finally have access to their benefit and will be able to use it according to their needs and priorities.

For those celebrating their birthday in June, the calendar sets the start of the withdrawal period as of June 19, 2024.

As in the case of those born in May, this date therefore represents a crucial opportunity for these workers to secure important financial assistance amid the economic challenges faced by the country.

Pay Attention to the Payment Calendar: Ensure Your Rights

It is essential that PIS/PASEP beneficiaries, especially those whose birthdays are in May and June, pay attention to the payment calendar to ensure that they receive the benefit in a smooth and safe manner.

Websites and apps to check PIS/PASEP 2024 information

  • website Ministry of Labor and Social Security;
  • Portal of the Citizen;
  • Box Federal Economic;
  • APP My;
  • APP Has Box;
  • Savings Bank telephone number: 0800 726 0207.

Criteria for Accessing PIS/PASEP in 2024: Details and Special Rules

To have access to the benefit in 2024, it is essential to meet some requirements basic criteria, but there are also special situations that may guarantee the benefit to other workers.

Basic Criteria:

  • You must have worked with a signed card for by mandin 30 days in the reference base year, which, for 2024 payments, was 2022;
  • Remuneration Within the Limit: The average salary received in the base year must be up to two minimum wages;
  • Registration in the Program: You must have been registered with PIS/PASEP for at least five years.

Special Situations:

  • Dismissal without just cause: Workers dismissed without just cause in the base year may also be entitled to the benefit, as long as they have received unemployment insurance.
  • Public Servants: Federal, civil and military public servants may also be entitled to PIS/PASEP, but the access rules are different. It is important to consult the competent bodies to find out more about the specific requirements for this category.

Image: Canva / Editing: Roberta de Oliveira