R$6.2 billion still forgotten in service of amounts receivable from the Central Bank.


Sao Paulo, May 23, 2023

According to the latest information released by the Central Bank of Brazil (BC), there is a significant amount, R$6.2 billion, forgotten in the institution's accounts receivable service. The amount belongs to citizens who did not show up to receive amounts due from financial transactions, refunds and other transactions.

The BC's receivables service was created with the intention of managing these unclaimed funds. It serves as a means for people to recover money that has been left aside for various reasons. This includes funds from inactive accounts and bounced checks, as well as amounts related to credit operations and investments.


“We are constantly working to ensure that all Brazilians have access to the money they are owed,” commented the BC director, who asked the population to regularly check their financial situations.

To claim these amounts, citizens must access the Central Bank website and follow the instructions provided. The BC stresses the importance of regularly updating contact information to ensure that all communications and transactions are received.


However, despite the BC’s efforts to communicate to citizens about the service and the existence of these unclaimed funds, many have yet to seek what is owed to them, resulting in this forgotten amount of R$1.4T6.2 billion.

The financial institution is appealing to Brazilians to check whether they have any amount to receive, contributing to the reduction of this forgotten sum. After all, in times of economic uncertainty, these resources can make a big difference in the lives of many people.

This situation serves as a reminder for all citizens to be aware of their finances, ensuring that they do not lose money that is owed to them.

Now, more than ever, it is crucial to keep an eye on potential forgotten values. The tools are available, and it is essential that people make use of them.