Want to use Desenrola to pay off debts? Pay attention to the details!


Brazilians who wish to use Desenrola to renegotiate debts must obtain the correct information. Check it out!

The Federal Government has launched the “Desenrola” program to help Brazilians renegotiate their debts. Aiming to combat the growing default rate in Brazil, this action can be an effective solution for people who want to settle their accounts. However, it is essential to be careful.

The popularity of the program attracted scammers who began using the Desenrola name to deceive. According to InfoMoney, a study by the Laboratory of Internet and Social Media Studies at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) found more than 1,000 scam attempts related to the program.


These scams appeared on social media between July 19 and 21. The misleading ads mention Desenrola and even Serasa, trying to gain the trust of those interested in the government proposal.

How to protect yourself from fraud associated with the Program?

Read also: Desenrola Brasil: Renegotiations of Early Debts by Grand Stores


Given this situation, Brazilians who want to use Desenrola to adjust their debts need to be alert so as not to be deceived. Here are some suggestions:

  • Avoid accessing suspicious links;
  • Discard messages about the program received via apps or emails;
  • Reject proposals to join the program;
  • Always choose the official channels of the financial institutions involved.

First steps of Desenrola

Read also: Learn all about Amounts Receivable

In the initial phase of Desenrola, only group 2, which includes people with income between R$2,640 and R$20,000, is eligible to participate. To find out the terms of renegotiation, it is essential to speak directly to the creditor bank using the official means provided.

As for citizens in band 1, with income up to two minimum wages or registered in the Single Registry, they will have to wait for the next stage. In this stage, the government intends to launch a platform to facilitate negotiations between the parties.