Who is entitled to Sick Pay?


Sickness Benefit is a social security benefit guaranteed to contributors to the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). This benefit is intended to insure workers who, due to an accident or illness, need to take time off work.

Initially, the citizen (who has a formal job) should receive this amount from the company where he or she works. After 15 days, however, if the person still needs to stay away from work, the request must be made to the INSS, which will be responsible for the payment.

Unlike Disability Retirement, Sickness Benefit is intended for workers who are only temporarily disabled. This determination will be made, in fact, by the INSS medical expert during the benefit application process.


Sickness Benefit: who can receive it?

First of all, the person who will receive Sick Pay must be an INSS insured person. This means that the person must be up to date with their contributions or within the so-called “grace period”.

There is also a need to comply with a 12-month waiting period in some cases. No the waiting period must be met when:


How to apply for assistance online

You can apply for Sick Pay or schedule an in-person medical examination by website from INSS or download the Meu INSS application (Android and IOS). Go to “New Order” and look for the option you want.

It is worth noting that to do login on the website or app, you must have an account on the Gov.br portal. You can register on the page Gov.br by clicking on “Log in with Gov.br”. To create this account you will need to use your CPF number.

You must then follow the information provided by the platform. If you have any questions, you can call 135 and speak directly to an INSS representative.

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